Insects do a useful job for us pollinating plants, or helping us fight pests (e.g. aphids). Unfortunately, many of them die off due to habitat loss, for instance as a result of the development of the built environment, and the fashion for evenly trimmed lawns. To help insects, it is good to provide them with a piece of a “wild garden” or a wildflower meadow. Constructing the so-called insect hotel is also an interesting idea.


In the past insects used to find shelter, for example, in thatched roofs, nooks between beams and bricks, in cellars and attics. In days of concrete and waterproof construction we can assist them – all it takes are some natural materials, good ideas and knowledge about future inhabitants.


To construct a hotel we will use: straw, reed, bamboo and other tubular shoots (forsythia or elderberry), moss, pine cones and bark. The following materials will be also useful: stones, bricks, tiles, slats, wooden pallets, PVC pipes and clay. It may be a small house, e.g. a slatted crate filled with one type of material or divided into sectors and floors. It can also be a wicker basket, wooden pallet or clay pot – the size, shape and materials used depend primarily on the requirements of insects:


  1. Wild bees (e.g. mason bees) lead a lonely way of life and although they do not produce honey, their role in pollinating flowers is invaluable. They winter in tubular shoots, holes in the ground and wood. Hence, in order to prepare them a shelter, we will need a bunch of shoots empty inside with one end closed (10-15 cm long). We hang such a bunch under a roof or place it in a box (pot) as one of the sectors. We can also use stump with drilled holes of different size (2-8 mm) and depth (6-10 cm). All holes should be directed slightly downwards to prevent water from dripping in.
  1. Bumble bees, thanks to their long tongue, pollinate flowers that other pollinators cannot cope with. These insects winter underground, in litter and under tree roots. So we can dig a small hole and put a pot inside (upside down, remembering about the entrance of about 1.5-2 cm) or line its sides with boards/bricks. The interior is further lined with moss, hay or sawdust, and the whole unit is covered with a plank, keeping in mind that the entrance needs to be shielded to avoid flooding. This can be achieved by placing a larger plank on bricks above the unit. It is preferable to place the hotel in a secluded, shaded spot.
  2. We all know green lacewings (Chrysopa perla) by sight. These are insects with delicate, gold and pale green wings. Adult green lacewings and their larvae help us combat aphids by eating a lot of these pests. A hotel for green lacewings can be made of a box with perforated walls, filled with leaves, straw, hay or moss with a leak-proof roof. It can be hung at a height of at least 1.5 m in a warm and secluded place.
  3. Lady beetles, which love aphids and spider mites, spend winter under dead leaves or tree bark. Let’s line a pot or a box with twigs for them.



We often think that an ecological lifestyle requires many sacrifices. However, it turns out, that it is enough to implement a few simple rules to change bad habits and take care of the environment (and yourself!). Read our guide and start today:


  1. Segregate garbage

Segregation of waste prevents the overfilling of landfills. Recycling of segregated waste, which allows for the use of secondary raw materials, is much easier and faster. By giving a “new life” to waste, you contribute to the reduced consumption of primary raw materials, as well as energy. For example, the so-called glass cullet, produced from container glass (bottles, jars, etc.), melts at a lower temperature than raw materials in the glass production process.


  1. Save energy

When was the last time you turned off the TV so that the standby lamp was not on? Think about how many hours you watch TV every day? And how long does it stay in standby mode? When your TV set is in standby for many hours, it uses more energy than during the few hours you use it! Similarly in the case of a computer – “sleeping” still consumes energy. Unplug devices which are not in use from the power supply! The same applies to lights turned on in rooms in which you do not stay, and a charger left plugged into a socket – it means a higher electricity bill and a lot of wasted energy. It also causes increased emission of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.


HERE you can find out how to reduce the energy consumption of your fridge.


  1. Give up plastic bags

They are light, cheap, roomy and, unfortunately, surprisingly durable. We use them only once for about half an hour. Afterwards they end up in a bin, and from there they usually go to a landfill. Only 10% of them are recycled! The process of decomposition of plastic bags lasts for… several hundred years!


Use reusable material bags!


  1. Save water

By turning off the tap while brushing your teeth in the morning and evening, you save about 50 litres of water a day (about 1,500 litres a month!). What else can you do? Take a shower instead of a bath, and use a dishwasher instead of washing the dishes under running water. Also remember to seal a dripping tap and install a tap aerator. And before pouring out water another time, think about whether you can use it again. Maybe for watering plants?


  1. Give up plastic bottles, dishes and straws

Every year we consume millions of plastic dishes and straws, most of which are not suitable for recycling. When ordering take-away food, ask to pack it in your own box. Replace plastic straws with re-usable ones (e.g. bamboo straws), or do not use them at all. Stop buying bottled water, you can fill a reusable water bottle with tap water – there is no evidence that bottled water is healthier than tap water, which is subject to restrictive testing and regular checks. In addition, tap water is incomparably cheaper.


  1. Buy consciously

Buy from local producers and suppliers, choose mostly seasonal products. Transporting products from other parts of the world involves the production of large amounts of carbon dioxide. Select products with the lowest, so-called, “water footprint”, i.e. which require less water. Also pay attention to packaging – the fewer plastic boxes and sacks, the better for the environment.


You will find out how much water is needed to produce popular food products HERE.


  1. Limit car driving

If possible, change your car for a bicycle or public transport. Especially if you live in a city, public transport is a cheaper, greener and often a faster alternative to car driving. And if you really have no choice, think about carpooling. The rule is simple – when you have free space in the car, take passengers going in the same direction. It brings profits to your fuel budget and, and above all, to the environment.


  1. Do not throw away food

Do you know that by throwing food away you waste not only money, but you also waste energy and water which was necessary for food production? How to avoid wastage? Do not buy in stock, make shopping lists, use home methods for food preservation. Try potting, freezing, and sharing food with others.


Read our guide on this topic HERE.


Good luck!



“Water footprint” is the sum of direct and indirect water consumption by a consumer. It applies to products which need water in their production processes.


What is indirect water consumption? It means water used at all stages of the production of a given product – for instance, in the case of agriculture it is the required irrigation of crops.


The average value of the water footprint of an average household in Poland ranges from 350 to 400 litres per day!


At www.waterfootprint.org you can calculate your own water footprint, and then take steps to reduce it. Remember that the choice of products that you purchase each day affects the environment and the lives of people around the world. What can you do to save water?:


  1. Buy products with the lowest water footprint.
  2. Limit consumption and do not waste food.
  3. Limit meat consumption and choose more vegetable products.
  4. Choose producers who care about the sustainable management of water resources used in the production process.


Did you know how much water is required for the production of 1 kg of:


Chocolate – about 17,196 litres

Beef – about 15,415 litres

Pork – about 5,988 litres

Chicken – about 4,325 litres

Eggs – about 3,300 litres

Cheese – about 3,178 litres

Rice – about 2,497 litres

Wheat bread – about 1,608 litres

Maize – about 1 222 litres

Apples – about 822 litres

Orange – about 560 litres

Milk (glass) – about 255 litres

Coffee (cup) – about 132 litres

Source: futurefood2050.com