Act with energy!

Act with energy – choose, generate, save (Działaj z energią – wybieraj, wytwarzaj, oszczędzaj) – this year the Pomeranian Energy Days focused on ways of reducing low emissions. One of the event hosts, the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdańsk (Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Gdańsku), organized an Open Day in its head office at 8, Rybaki Górne Street.


One of the campaigns organised regularly by the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdańsk Management in Gdansk with an aim to reduce emissions is the Clean Air of Pomerania (Czyste Powietrze Pomorza) contest organised for 10 years now. It is addressed to legal persons, i.e. bodies of local self-government and other bodies handling municipal utility tasks. Through these bodies, all natural persons residing in the Pomerania Region can benefit from the contest. Co-financing is available for dismantling coal or coke fired boilers and their replacement with gas or oil fired boilers. Besides, renewable energy sources (heat pumps, biomass fired boilers) can be installed and buildings can be connected to the district heating network.


PLN 7 m represents the value of 100 co-financing contracts signed by the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdańsk from 2008 to 2016. Thanks to these projects, the annual dust emission was reduced by 200 tonnes, the carbon dioxide emission by 13 600 tonnes and the sulphur dioxide emission by 90 tonnes.


In 2017, the Clean Air of Pomerania contest attracted a record high number of applications. 74 beneficiaries applied for co-financing of a total of PLN 11 m. The cost of projects in the pipeline runs to almost PLN 40 m. More than 2 800 coal fired boilers will be removed.