Every year Poles discard 9 million tons of food into the bin right after Christmas! This waste can be easily avoided by following a few simple hints and improving your kitchen organisation. Shop vigilantly!


First of all, make a list of products you’ll need because it will help you shop rationally. Secondly, labels such as ‘promotion’, though tempting, often result in reckless shopping of unnecessary items that are later on thrown away. Thirdly, never go shopping when you are hungry, because it is then that you experience the temptation to load your shopping basket with excessive products.


What if we happen to buy too much? There are many solutions! Food, even processed, can be put into a freezer or a canning jar. You will truly appreciate these ‘supplies’ when you run out of ideas for your dinner.


You don’t feel like eating the same food all over again for a fourth day in a row? Be creative in your kitchen! Gratins, crumb cakes, pâtés, vegetable chops… all of them can be prepared from leftovers. Enjoy new lunches on your plate!
Remember that not everyone has as much as you do. Share your food! After all, the Christmas season – and every other season for that matter – is all about caring about other people. Food that remains after Christmas can be packed and delivered to an institution that offers meals for the homeless. Food donation campaigns are run in many Polish cities (such as a campaign to share a meal with the homeless) and campaigners will collect surplus food for those who need it most right from your doorstep. You can even contact the organizers through a website. It couldn’t be more easy!


And if you still feel like eating your Christmas specials, throw a party for your friends! If everyone brings the food that remained after Christmas, you can all share a meal. Not only will you have the opportunity to try new tastes, but learn other families’ Christmas traditions as well.
