It definitely leads the ranking of the biggest power-consumers at our home. What are we talking about? A fridge, of course. Read the guide and find out what to do to pay lower electricity bills and how to be environmentally-friendly:


  1. Do not put any warm dishes inside. The fridge will use three times more energy to cool them down again. When you take a product out of the fridge, which will get back there again, try to keep it out as short as possible.
  2. Carefully close the fridge door, and place products inside in such a way that will let you access them easily and quickly. Most of the heat entering the fridge from outside comes through the fridge door.
  3. Put food in airtight packaging to reduce the evaporation process. The fridge draws more electricity when it needs to cool humid air. In addition, excessive moisture leads to the formation of frost, and a few millimetre layer of frost can increase electricity consumption by 20%. So do not forget about regular defrosting. When buying a new model, think about the “no frost” solution – it will completely eliminate the problem of moisture and increase energy efficiency.
  4. Location of the fridge in the kitchen is also important. Do not put it next to any heat sources and equipment that heats up (radiator, oven or dishwasher). Lowering temperature in the room where the fridge is located also contributes to electricity saving!
  5. If you are planning a longer trip, be sure to disconnect the fridge and freezer from the power source, keeping in mind to defrost them before.
  6. Temperature in the fridge should not be lower than +6°C and below -19°C in the freezer. Reducing temperature in the fridge, for example to +5°C, can increase energy consumption by up to several percent.
  7. When deciding about buying a new fridge, make sure to take into account energy-efficiency class A++ models. This class of equipment consumes up to 40 percent less energy. Your will get return on investment with lower energy bills. Before making the final decision, compare the parameters of various models available on the market.
  8. Match the storage space of the fridge with the number and needs of your household members – 60 litres per person is enough!